Top Tips for Artificial Grass Care & Maintenance
When it comes to maintaining artificial grass, daily lawn care is relatively minimal compared to traditional turf. However, that doesn’t mean that maintenance can be neglected altogether. There are still several important steps for maintaining artificial turf to ensure its aesthetic longevity. Both artificial grass and artificial lawns need to be maintained to reduce smells and stains from pets, weed growth, flattened grass or unwanted debris and deterioration. In this blog post, we will address some of the best tips and tricks for maintaining your artificial lawn.
When it comes to natural grass and traditional lawns, it is exceptionally difficult to maintain a seamless appearance. Natural grass is susceptible to slight changes in environmental conditions, resulting in a yellow, dry or brittle lawn. Artificial grass or an artificial lawn overcome these obstacles by creating a seamless aesthetic that will not fade, yellow or dry out. However, because the material that is used to make artificial grass is synthetic, the blades will not stay permanently perky. Over time, the blades can lose their shape and lie flat against the ground. To prevent this and maintain a seamless aesthetic, simply brush your lawn approximately once a week to straighten the blades.
General maintenance for an artificial lawn is significantly easier than traditional lawn care. To prevent dust and dirt build-up, the lawn can be swept using a broom. Alternatively, depending on the climate in which you live, rainwater can also help naturally remove dirt and dust. If you live in a climate with limited rainfall, washing your lawn using a hose can easily accomplish the same task and limit dirt and dust build-up. Additionally, it is important to remove any excessive organic matter, such as leaves, sticks and dirt from your lawn in order to prevent the growth of weeds. This can easily be avoided through sweeping and brushing your lawn about once a week.
Although most artificial grasses are resistant to stains, the synthetic material can still soak up spills and pet waste to become stained overtime. We recommend cleaning up liquid spills promptly using a sponge, mop or wet cloth with warm water and a gentle household detergent. Whether you’ve spilled alcohol, pop, coffee or juice, the most important tip is to always clean-up spills promptly to avoid any long-lasting stains. If you suffer a stain that is for some reason unable to be removed, the section affected can also easily be replaced.
Artificial grass is a great option for any pet owner. Pet waste won’t destroy or kill your artificial lawn, allowing you and your pet to enjoy your yard without creating large patches of dead grass. When your pet relieves themselves on the lawn, it is important to rinse away any urine and pick-up any feces. Rinsing the area with a dilute solution of vinegar can then help remove any lingering odours and prevent staining.
Fungi and molds are ubiquitous in the environment, making it notoriously difficult to prevent microbial growth on lawns. Unfortunately, even artificial grass and artificial lawns are susceptible to mold, mildew and fungal growth. This is most common in the warm and moist summer months, especially in artificial turf that has not been properly cleaned of any remaining pet waste. If you do experience mold growth, simply clean the affected area with hydrogen peroxide. This will kill the mold and remove any residual odours.
Using a brush or broom with synthetic bristles can help you maintain the overall appearance of your artificial lawn and improve its longevity. Artificial turf can be flattened in high-trafficked areas and a brush or broom should be used to cross-brush these areas to reduce damage to the synthetic blades of grass.
Artificial grass and artificial lawns are made with synthetic materials that can break down overtime if cleaned with strong acids or alcohols. This synthetic material can also be damaged by fire, weed growth below the surface and overuse without proper brushing. To prevent deterioration, always clean the lawn with a gentle, biodegradable detergent or a very dilute solution of bleach or vinegar. It is also important to prevent weed growth below the surface of the grass to reduce displacement of the foundation and improve the overall longevity of the lawn.
There are two main types of infill that can be used in an artificial lawn: synthetic (i.e. silica sand, crumb rubber) or organic (i.e. coconut fibre, cork). In general, the difference between the two types of infills is the frequency with which they need to be replaced. With both types of infill, heavy rainfall and winds can remove filling from the artificial turf, resulting in more frequent replacements in climates with harsher conditions. Thankfully, maintaining infill is easy, requiring you to simply rake in additional material to replace any that has blown away or deteriorated over time.
To improve the natural feel of an artificial lawn, many models are installed with a shock-absorbing layer to create a springy effect. However, over time this layer will lose its springiness and will need to be replaced, approximately every 3-5 years. To replace the layer, simply peel back the grass and install a new shock-absorbing layer.
To improve longevity and reduce distortion of the synthetic lawn, some homeowners opt to include a weed-killing layer below the surface of the turf. This layer will need to be replaced every 3-5 years. Alternatively, traditional herbicides can be sprayed on the surface of the lawn approximately twice a year.
Artificial grass streamlines the lawn care process to allow you to enjoy a lush, beautiful yard without the hassle of regular upkeep. If you are interested in installing an artificial lawn, Fieldmasters can provide you with expert service and a long-lasting, high-quality lawn to be enjoyed for years to come. Whether you are looking to reduce your backyard maintenance, install an indoor putting green or create a sports field in your yard, Fieldmasters can help with every step of the way.